Wednesday, May 21

Wordless Wednesday: Ha ha


Asta said...

Hello Renna!
It's vewy nice to meet you..I'll be back to blogging in a few days, and would love to be fwiends with a cutie like you!!!
I think you awe adowable!!! I linked you as a fwiend..I hope that's OK wif you
smoochie kisses,ASTA

Mr. Hendrix said...

tee hee hee that is so cute. how can your beans stand it that you're so cute??

we love your meme!

Sunny's Mommy said...

You are very cute today, Renna :-) But did you steal someone else's mousie?

CastoCreations said...

HI RENNA!!! I'm so glad you visited Trooper at my Zookeeper Blog. I think your mommy is right. You WILL be good at Agility. It's never too early to start training. You need to be pretty decent in agility before you start agility. Your mommy can look up agility places in your area online. That's how I found the farm we go to with Trooper. He's getting real good.

You're so small! Trooper would think you were a kitty. =D Hubby promises I can get a small doggy like you someday but for now I have my 85 pound lap dog. =D

Luc and Remy said...

Hi Renna! We're happy to meet you. You sure are a cutie! We think our older, little brother, Ippuni, sure would like you. Remy likes your name--it's kinda like his! We hope you'll visit us again--we'll visit you, too!

George the Pup said...

Um Renna, I think that's not your toy! And you know I would never steal the kitties toys. (But just so you know, they have a really good crunchy plastic middle when you get the fuzzies off!)

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Renna...
So great to meet you!!! Thanks for visiting my bloggie. You are just the cuterest little thing!!!! And great catch on the mousie...just don't let Girl Girl know...hee hee hee!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Tybalt said...


I'll do my meme next week, promise Renna! We had badbadbadbadbad storms on Tuesday night and it was scary but I couldn't hear it so I was ok but I ran around the dark house alot and stole kitty toys and laughed and jumped on furniture and laughed and ran some more and laughed and kissed Tybalt but he RAN AWAY.

Tybalt said...

PS: That was ME! DANA!


Tybalt told me to always sign but I always forget.

Lizzy said...

Renna! Oops, I mean, PRINCESS Renna!

Welcome to DWB, girl! It's GRRRReat to meet you. I must say, you are one cute pup!

I hope you have a grrrrEAT day,


Hero said...

Hi, Renna! I found your blog while browsing through dogswithblogs. You are one super adorable puppy! With all that cuteness you deserved to be catered to like a princess!


Amber-Mae said...

Hi Princess Renna! So nice to meet cha & welcome to Dogs With Blogs! You are absolutely a cutie & there's definitely a JRT in you coz I can seethe markings. Hehehe!

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Renna the Royal Renaissance Princess or RRRP for short! I just sniffed you out from DWB. It's cool to meet a Princess!

