Wednesday, June 4


Somfings wrong wif me, I'm sneezing and choking/coughing. The VET said come in NOW 'cus of the wreck! I scart!


Dr. Dusty said I has a bruised laranix! I must have hit it in the PTU and my collar was also a bit to tight I am growing so fast! Mommy got me a new one last Sunday. Everyfing else was ok, my lungs and ribs were OK! YEA! My sneezing may just be allergies. She did tell mommy to watch for signs of strep throat. Ok, I gonna go play now!


Daisy said...

Oh no! I hope you are okay! Let us know as soon as you have some news.

Daisy said...

Oh, I just read the update, good timing! A bruised larynx sounds very hurty. I am glad everything else was okay. I was worried!

Tybalt said...

I am SO glad you are ok!


Purrs and peace to you, little princess!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, we're glad you're okay. You had us scared for a minute. Must have REALLY scared your mom!

George the Pup said...

Oh that is scary Renna! When I was real little I banged my neck against a table (I was playing a bit ruff!) and coughed a bunch for a while! I hope you're feeling better really soon!

Oh yeah, I tagged you for a meme over on my bloggie when you have time!

Unknown said...

Oh no, that is very scairty! I hope your bruised larnyx feels better soon, be well sweet Renna.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Oh no Renna! How awful!! We are glad that you are okay!! - Samwise and Beaux

Sunny's Mommy said...

Oh no, that is very scary! I'm so glad you're going to be okay :-)

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Renna

I bet you were a bit scared for a while, and I know your Mum would have been.

Take it easy for a while and get better soon .. though you must always allow some time for play! :-)



Luc and Remy said...

Oh, little Renna, we hope you're okay. Take care of yourself.