Tuesday, July 29


I am a very good girl, I share my toys! I give my favoritest Purple Ducky to mommy! She had a bad, bad achy head on Saturday and when she was sleeping I went and put Purple Ducky on her so she would feel better!

Monday, July 28

Movie Monday

Here is my first home movie. It's kinda ruff, please excuse us while we learn!

Wednesday, July 23

Wordless Wednesday: Come Play?

Tuesday, July 22

Gotta Play Ball!

I could do this all day!

Monday, July 21

Happy Birthday Snickers

Happy Birthday Snickers!! No not my sister but the Puppy Dog one! I think she would make a great sister though!!

Friday, July 18

Meme & Award

Name Meme

My BFF Georgie tagged me for this Name Meme:

1. be honest
2. tag other people
3. have fun!

What is your name?

If you could change your name what would it be?
Flash, because I go go go and never slow down just like The Flash!

What is your pet's name (it can be a webkinz or a real pet)?
Mmmmm...Purple Duck, he's a stuffie

If you could change your pet's name what would it be?

What is your brother or sisters name?
Queen Snickers & Empress

If you could change their name what would it be?
Queen Snickers..... Miss Snot



I got this really cool award from my kitty cousins at The Kiaton Empire!

Thursday, July 17

Doddle: Vacation

My vacation would be mommy playing ball with me for a whole week!

Thursday, July 10


Do you ever get a funny feeling you were being watched??

Wednesday, July 9

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, July 8

Award! and Camp

I got this great award from my bestest friend Georgie the other day! I sure try to be a daily blogger, it's just there are so many things to chew... oh look somebody left out some socks!
ooops sorry! :) I had a great time at puppy camp! Mommy and Daddy went to stay with friends for the 4th and I got to go the PETSMART Pet Hotel! I got a cool suite with a TV! While I was there Mommy signed me up for Doggy Day Camp, we get to play with other puppies and beans ALL Day! I got to go on walks, take naps in my suite, get a kong stuffed with peanut butter and go to the doggy ice cream parlor!! What a vacation!!

Friday, July 4

Fashion Friday: Rock& Roll Princess

Happy 4th of July!

I know I'm not wearing red, white and blue but I got this amazing Rock & Roll Princess Shirt and couldn't wait to show it off.

Freedom of expression is an American thing after all, so I am expressing my total cuteness!

Being a rocker princess today, Queen Snickers let be barrow her purple boa.
Pink and purple are so pawesome! If I had my own country I would make my flag colors pink and purple with black accents!
One last glamor shot! I am off to Puppy Camp, see you next week!

Thursday, July 3

Thursday Swap N Tails

Lookie Empress! Presents just for me! I wonder what's inside?This bone is HUGE! It squeaks!!! I love, LOVE squeakies!!
Vanilla Chilly Bone? Sounds NUMMY! Mommy get it out please, and chilly it! Oooo there are some cute things in here for mommy too, I think she should put a picture of me in that frame!!
Mommy "Don't you want to see who its from?" Oh, YES! Let me look at the card, Mr. Hendrix! Wow he did a great job!

There is something else too but I'm saving it for tomorrow's post.

Tuesday, July 1

Happy Barkday Dana

Today is my friends Dana's Barkday! Hip Hip Horay! Have a happy 4th Barkday!

Happy Birthday