Tuesday, July 29
Monday, July 28
Movie Monday
Here is my first home movie. It's kinda ruff, please excuse us while we learn!
Posted by Renna the Princess Puppy at 7/28/2008 6 comments
Labels: movie monday
Wednesday, July 23
Wordless Wednesday: Come Play?
Posted by Renna the Princess Puppy at 7/23/2008 7 comments
Labels: ww
Tuesday, July 22
Monday, July 21
Happy Birthday Snickers
Posted by Renna the Princess Puppy at 7/21/2008 2 comments
Labels: happy birthday
Friday, July 18
Meme & Award
My BFF Georgie tagged me for this Name Meme:
1. be honest
2. tag other people
3. have fun!
What is your name?
If you could change your name what would it be?
Flash, because I go go go and never slow down just like The Flash!
What is your pet's name (it can be a webkinz or a real pet)?
Mmmmm...Purple Duck, he's a stuffie
If you could change your pet's name what would it be?
What is your brother or sisters name?
Queen Snickers & Empress
If you could change their name what would it be?
Queen Snickers..... Miss Snot
I got this really cool award from my kitty cousins at The Kiaton Empire!

Posted by Renna the Princess Puppy at 7/18/2008 5 comments
Labels: meme
Thursday, July 17
Thursday, July 10
Posted by Renna the Princess Puppy at 7/10/2008 9 comments
Labels: glowing eyes in the dark
Wednesday, July 9
Tuesday, July 8
Award! and Camp

ooops sorry! :) I had a great time at puppy camp! Mommy and Daddy went to stay with friends for the 4th and I got to go the PETSMART Pet Hotel! I got a cool suite with a TV! While I was there Mommy signed me up for Doggy Day Camp, we get to play with other puppies and beans ALL Day! I got to go on walks, take naps in my suite, get a kong stuffed with peanut butter and go to the doggy ice cream parlor!! What a vacation!!
Posted by Renna the Princess Puppy at 7/08/2008 6 comments
Labels: doggy day camp
Friday, July 4
Fashion Friday: Rock& Roll Princess
I know I'm not wearing red, white and blue but I got this amazing Rock & Roll Princess Shirt and couldn't wait to show it off.

Posted by Renna the Princess Puppy at 7/04/2008 7 comments
Labels: fashion friday
Thursday, July 3
Thursday Swap N Tails

Posted by Renna the Princess Puppy at 7/03/2008 7 comments
Labels: Swap N Tails
Tuesday, July 1
Happy Barkday Dana
Posted by Renna the Princess Puppy at 7/01/2008 7 comments
Labels: Dana's 4th Barkday