My BFF Georgie tagged me for this Name Meme:
1. be honest
2. tag other people
3. have fun!
What is your name?
If you could change your name what would it be?
Flash, because I go go go and never slow down just like The Flash!
What is your pet's name (it can be a webkinz or a real pet)?
Mmmmm...Purple Duck, he's a stuffie
If you could change your pet's name what would it be?
What is your brother or sisters name?
Queen Snickers & Empress
If you could change their name what would it be?
Queen Snickers..... Miss Snot
I got this really cool award from my kitty cousins at The Kiaton Empire!

You're so funny Renna, I mean Flash - "Miss Snot"! I promise I won't tell Jake :-)
I think Flash would be an excellent second name for you :-D
Hmmm, Miss Snot? Don't you mean Queen Snot? I think if you say Queen in front of Snot you might be able to get away with calling her that. Or maybe not. She might try to whap you. But I'm sure you can outrun her ;-)
PS: Congratulations on your super cool award, Renna!
Congrats for your award Renna! :-)
Oh, congratulations on your award.
We think you're cute, "Flash." But we really think Renna is a prettier name for you. Very regal.
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