Last night at all the PETSMARTs they had bikini contests! I was runner up!! Yippy! I got a gift card and coupons for free food for me and my sisters. :) Then I went to my first puppy school class. It was so fun! I got lots of treats! I met a big Australian Sheepdog who helped teach the class and a psycho chihuahua that growls at his own tail! The teacher said I was the STAR student of the class! Guess what mommy and I have homework! We have two things to practice before next weeks class.
- Clicker means I get a treat. ( I like this one)
- Look at her for up to 10 seconds. (then get a treat, I think I gonna like school!)

Renna, I am so proud of you for being runner up in the bikini contest! I'll bet you were gorgeous. And of course you are the star student of the puppy school class!
Guess what? I am learning clicker training, too!
Oh Renna! You are a bikini contest winner! How exciting! I am glad that you are liking your puppy school, now bring home some good grades : )
G'day Renna
Congrats for you success ... now try really hard and you will get lots of treats ...
Congwats on winnin da prizey!Yoo luk furry cyoot in yur swimy suits. I fink yoo shulda wuns da grandy pwize, but runner ups iz furry gud too. Good Job!
Congratulations Renna - that is sooo cool!
Isn't puppy school fun? I liked it so much I went twice! Is your Momma using hot dogs, that was my favorite. I was never very good at the clicker - I always wanted to listen to the clicker rather than do what I was supposed to do.
I'm so excited - I finally got to open the package you sent yesterday. Did I tell you that it was my first mail ever?! I'm going to post about it tomorrow :-)
Renna, you are GOOD! I could never take a class. Your mommy must be very proud! You are also CUTECUTECUTE!
Wanna PLAY?
Renna you look marvelous in your bikini, and so happy :-D Congratulations on going to school, I think you're going to like it a lot!
CONGWATULATIONS!!!!! You look pawsome in youw bikini..I bet you wewe amazing in puppy school..what a doll!!!
smoochie kisses
Renna, you are a runner up bikini contest winner? You cutie, you! Study hard and do well in school, we didn't do so well at the PetSmart training--we had to continue our education to really behave. Mom thought it was harder than we did. HA HA!
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