Monday, June 2

Weekend Woes

Our wonderful weekend at the lake did not happen. We got all loaded up in the blue wheel box and headed out. We stopped quickly at a stop light and when mommy looked back to see if I was OK and BAMMM!! I went bouncing into my PTU wall, lucky it is fabric and soft stretchy mesh. Then CRASH from the front and I tumbled back into my bed. It was so scary! Daddy kept asking mommy if she was ok and mommy kept trying to see if I was ok. She was holding her head. The blue wheel box was smoking and barely made it off the road. Daddy used the talky box to call for help. More wheel boxes showed up with flashy lights and loud howling noises. Mommy couldn't get back to me. Some bean in uniforms put a collar on mommy and took her out of our blue wheel box. Daddy was out side with them and then he got dizzy and the beans did the same think to Daddy! The strange beans took mommy and daddy away in one of the loud wheely boxes and I was still there. Some of the blue uniformed beans stayed with me for a while until some new ones showed up and took me to a place with lots of puppies and kitties. They looked me all over and said I was good and what a cute little girl I was! They took me in my carrier so I had my bed, some toys and my special purple ducky. I was there FOREVER! I wanted mommy and daddy so bad. Then someone came in for me, but it wasn't momma or daddy it was Grandma Bean! She took me to her big wheely box and mommy and daddy where inside! I jumped up and down in my PTU I was so happy! We got home and mommy told me they were ok but had very bad whip lash. Our blue wheely box didn't make so well. It's all squishy because we were in the middle of the pile up and we will probable have to get a new one. Mommy said we would have to try our trip another time.


Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Princess Renna

I am sorry that you didn't make it to the lake for the weekend, but I am really happy to hear you, mummy and daddy are all okay. Don't worry about the Blue Wheel Box - it can be replaced.



Daisy said...

Oh my goodness, that sounds very, very scairty! Thank goodness you are all okay. I am sorry you had to go through that!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

How scary! We are glad you are okay, Renna, and that your mom and dad are mostly okay too.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

OMG, Renna, we are so happy that you and your Mommy & Daddy are okay! How scary!!!

LZ said...

How scary!! I am so happy you are OK and that your Mommy and Daddy are mostly OK. How very very scary to have been left alone like that with your Mommy and Daddy taken away. You are a brave puppy!


PB 'n J said...

Oh goodness Renna - we are so glad that you are ok and that your Momma and Daddy are ok too!

We're sorry about the weekend at the lake and the blue wheelie box, but your safety and health is much more important!

Purrs to all!
Pearl, Bert and Jake

Mr. Hendrix said...

oh no! that sounds very scary. we're glad you're all ok and sorry the blue machine got squished. it is replaceable and you aren't sweet Renna.

my woofie cousin always rode with a doggy seatbelt box thingy (he was a BIG woofie) to keep him safe. i'm glad you were secure too.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Omigosh, thank goodness yoo are all okay! Crashing cars are scary! It's a good thing yoo were in a safe carrier...we hope yoor mom and dad were all buckled up too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That wuz scary Renna! We are glad you are all safe. The blue wheel box can be replaced but Beans and woofies can't. Purrs to all of you.

The Meezers or Billy said...

OH NO OH NO OH NO!!!! Renna, we is glad that your mommy and daddy is ok, and that you is ok and that you're all back togehter now. metal machines wif wheels can be replaced, even though mommy says it's a pain in the hiney to do it.

Sammy and Miles and Billy

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Renna, we're so glad you're okay. Jan says that whiplash is really painful, so you need to help take good care of them and be a good girl till they get better.

Tybalt said...

Oh RENNA! I was SCAREDSCAREDSCAREDSCARED when Tybalt told me you were in an accident! I am so glad you are ok! You are BRAVE! Do you feel well? Can you PLAY?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

how furry scary! we're so glad all of you are okay! purrrs and hugs from all of us.

Parker said...

Dear Renna,
I am so glad you are OK and I hope your Mommy and daddy feel better soon!

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is very scary. I'm sorry your Momma and Daddy were hurt in the accident, but glad it's not worse. It's very good you weren't hurt. Hugs to all of you.

Fat Eric said...

Oh that must have been very scary, I am glad you are all right and your humans too, that is the important thing because wheel boxes can be replaced more easily than people and woofies!

My Cornish Grandma's woofie has a car harness that clips onto the seatbelt, he is much bigger than you but better safe than sorry! Hope your humans whiplash gets better soon, my mum had that once after a car crash in France but it got OK quite quickly.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

purrs... weze glads u iz okays

Jimmy Joe said...

Oh no, Renna, I am so sorry that you and your momma and daddy were in a scary car crash! That is awful. I am glad that you were safe in your PTU and the men took you somewhere safe to wait for your momma and daddy. I hope they get better soon.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

George the Pup said...

Oh Renna, the kitties told me all about your post, that is so scary! I'm so glad that you and your Momma and Daddy are all ok - that must have been so scary for all of you (especially your Momma, trying to get to you - mine would have been freaking out!). We hope you are all resting and recovering.

Mickey's Musings said...

Jeepers!!!!! Thank heaven you and your Mom & Dad are going to be OK!!!!
What a scary thing to happen :o
I will send purrs so you all feel better !!
Purrs Mickey

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

OH DEAR ME! That could have been a really bad disaster for you sweet thing and your precious beans! Thank God you are all walking away from this.
Soft hugs to all of you right now.
Love Miss Peach

Tyler said...

Oh NO! That is a very scary thing. I never thought about what they do with the woofies or the kitties in such a situation. Do your beans worry that you might have caught fleas or something else from the shelter? That would be my mommy's worries. But maybe you weren't there THAT long in people time.

I can't imagine how happy you were to be back with your famiy again. That is a good ending.

Luc and Remy said...

OMG, Renna! How horrible! We're so glad your mommy and daddy and YOU are okay.