Friday, November 21

Fierce Fighter Day

Today I am remembering Sandy, my very own angle!

She came ALONG time before me! Momma was teenager when she went to the Rainbow Bridge but I know she is there looking after all of us! She was momma's childhood doggy! She was a lover and a licker supreme! She was always there for momma when she was sad or lonly. She loved to play fetch and get her belly rubbed! She was a Fierce Fighter, when she was about 10 years old she got uterine cancer. There where tumors growing inside her. She fought bravely and underwent surgery. She stayed a happy, loving friend though it all. Less then a year after that surgery the cancer came back even worse, momma and her family decided that the best decision would be to let her go to the Bridge. Momma said that for along time, years even, when ever she heard a jingle (like dog tags) she thought it was her Sandy comming to her. Sometimes there was nothing there to make those sounds so momma thing it really must have been Sandy still watching out for her like she did when she was little playing in the yard. Now that I am here momma says Sandy is watching over me. I feel so special to have such a wonderful gardian angel!

Wednesday, November 19

ooo I'm A Princess!

Lookie! I got a Very Important Princess Award from my kitty friends at PB&J!!

Wednesday, October 29

It's been a while!

Here I come! Did you miss me? Wow alot has happened sense I've been on.
I have alot of friends to catch us with!

Oh, do you see how much I've grown? I'm BIGGER then my kitty sisters now! MWAAHAHAHA!

Monday, August 11

My Ladygardenectomy

Long time no smell! You see mommy's dayhunting place decided they could not afford everyone and let alot of beans go, including my mommy. She was kinda in the blahs last week and didn't feel like blogging so we all decided to let her have a week off!

On Friday something strange happened to me! We got in the Red Wheel Box, I was excited because this usually means a trip to PetsMart! But we went the wrong direction! We went to Dr. Darren and Dr. Dusty's office. I like them alot so I still wasn't upset or anything but then Mommy took me to a big room with all these cages, kissed me and then she left!!

The nurse ladies were very nice, I tied to tell them I was hungry because silly mommy forgot to give me breakfast but they just petted me. Then Dr. Darren came in and they gave me a ouchy and I got all sleepy. The next thing I knew I was in one of those cages with nice warm blankets and the fur on my front leg and my tummy was all shaved off! There were funny strings in my tummy too! I was very sleepy so I dozed for a long time then I heard mommy! She came back!
The medicine made me all cold so mommy has blankets for me.
When I got home I was a little more a wake and I noticed I was missing some baby teeth too! I don't mind though because mommy gave me ice cream and I get to eat stinky goodness for the next several days! Empress was very nice to me when I got home, she gave me a nose kiss and said welcome to da club. I said what club? She laughed and said the No Worrying About Having Little One's Club. She said even mommy was a member. She said she would explain more when I was older. I guess this mean no puppies for me. That's ok. If I had puppies then I wouldn't be the baby anymore!

Tuesday, July 29


I am a very good girl, I share my toys! I give my favoritest Purple Ducky to mommy! She had a bad, bad achy head on Saturday and when she was sleeping I went and put Purple Ducky on her so she would feel better!

Monday, July 28

Movie Monday

Here is my first home movie. It's kinda ruff, please excuse us while we learn!

Wednesday, July 23

Wordless Wednesday: Come Play?

Tuesday, July 22

Gotta Play Ball!

I could do this all day!

Monday, July 21

Happy Birthday Snickers

Happy Birthday Snickers!! No not my sister but the Puppy Dog one! I think she would make a great sister though!!

Friday, July 18

Meme & Award

Name Meme

My BFF Georgie tagged me for this Name Meme:

1. be honest
2. tag other people
3. have fun!

What is your name?

If you could change your name what would it be?
Flash, because I go go go and never slow down just like The Flash!

What is your pet's name (it can be a webkinz or a real pet)?
Mmmmm...Purple Duck, he's a stuffie

If you could change your pet's name what would it be?

What is your brother or sisters name?
Queen Snickers & Empress

If you could change their name what would it be?
Queen Snickers..... Miss Snot



I got this really cool award from my kitty cousins at The Kiaton Empire!

Thursday, July 17

Doddle: Vacation

My vacation would be mommy playing ball with me for a whole week!

Thursday, July 10


Do you ever get a funny feeling you were being watched??

Wednesday, July 9

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, July 8

Award! and Camp

I got this great award from my bestest friend Georgie the other day! I sure try to be a daily blogger, it's just there are so many things to chew... oh look somebody left out some socks!
ooops sorry! :) I had a great time at puppy camp! Mommy and Daddy went to stay with friends for the 4th and I got to go the PETSMART Pet Hotel! I got a cool suite with a TV! While I was there Mommy signed me up for Doggy Day Camp, we get to play with other puppies and beans ALL Day! I got to go on walks, take naps in my suite, get a kong stuffed with peanut butter and go to the doggy ice cream parlor!! What a vacation!!

Friday, July 4

Fashion Friday: Rock& Roll Princess

Happy 4th of July!

I know I'm not wearing red, white and blue but I got this amazing Rock & Roll Princess Shirt and couldn't wait to show it off.

Freedom of expression is an American thing after all, so I am expressing my total cuteness!

Being a rocker princess today, Queen Snickers let be barrow her purple boa.
Pink and purple are so pawesome! If I had my own country I would make my flag colors pink and purple with black accents!
One last glamor shot! I am off to Puppy Camp, see you next week!

Thursday, July 3

Thursday Swap N Tails

Lookie Empress! Presents just for me! I wonder what's inside?This bone is HUGE! It squeaks!!! I love, LOVE squeakies!!
Vanilla Chilly Bone? Sounds NUMMY! Mommy get it out please, and chilly it! Oooo there are some cute things in here for mommy too, I think she should put a picture of me in that frame!!
Mommy "Don't you want to see who its from?" Oh, YES! Let me look at the card, Mr. Hendrix! Wow he did a great job!

There is something else too but I'm saving it for tomorrow's post.

Tuesday, July 1

Happy Barkday Dana

Today is my friends Dana's Barkday! Hip Hip Horay! Have a happy 4th Barkday!

Happy Birthday

Monday, June 30

My Wonderful Weekend & First Award!

I had a great weekend! We played so much! I wasn't sure it was going to start so hot 'cus I had to go see Dr. Darren my VET Saturday morning and get ouchies, but I like him anyway. I like is wife too, Dr. Dusty. After the VET we went to SONIC and mommy and I had a chicken wrap. It was very nummy, she even let me have a tater tot! Daddy did not share his burger though. :( Oh I forgot to say mommy made me a kibble omelet for breakfast! I haven't been eating real well. Dr. D looked at my teefs and like a 3rd of my baby teefs are gone!! My big girl teefs are not in yet. Mommy has been doing all kinds of things to get me to eat. ... We we got home we played outside, the Queen Snickers came out and I chased her around a bit then it was so hot we snoozed on the porch while mommy and daddy played on their lap tops. We all snuggled on the couch for a movie and I got kibble with a raw meat ball in it! (note from Mommy: They are special meatballs from Nature's Variety) Yum Yum! Sunday I got to play on my tether in the front yard while mommy and daddy worked then they took me on a long walk! Mommy and I played on the little kids playground in the park in our neighborhood because no one was there. hehe We went down slid twirly slides!! Daddy finally made us stop because he was afraid other beans would think they were crazy. I spent the rest of the afternoon with daddy because mommy went to visit her sister and little burpy nephew. I'm gonna spend all day with daddy today 'cus he's on VACATION!!

I also got my first award!! It is from a kitty friend named Sunny! Wow this is so cool!
I want to give it to my first friend Georgie!

Thursday, June 26

Internation Barks!

Today is a lesson on speaking in different languages!

Swedish: (Normal dog:) Vov! (Big one:) Voff! (small:) Bjäbb!
American English: (Normal dog:) Bark! (Big One:) Woof! (small:) Arf!
French: Ouah! or Ouaf!
Spanish: Guau!
Portuguese: Ão ão!
Japanese: Wan!, Wan!

Wednesday, June 25

Wordless Wednesday: Scretches

Tuesday, June 24

My Purple Ducky

This is my favorite toy ever! It is my purple ducky! He was my first toy! Mommy and Daddy got him to keep me company in my bed.
I can't sleep with out him! We used to be the same size, see!!

Monday, June 23

Sketchbook Monday

Mommy playing my pictures...

Friday, June 20


Queen Snickers got a package from her boyfriend Jake and my puppy friend Georgie snook in some stuff for me!! Treats a rope toy (I love those!!!) and a squeaky dino bum!
The tissue paper rocked too!
I loved the dino bum! Mommy had a hard time taking my picture with it.
I kept burring it in my toy pile. :)
Georgie's mommy also made me one of her marvelous mini photo books like my sisters have! Now mommy has to go pick out some pictures of me to put in it! I feel like such a special girl!!

Tuesday, June 17

Puppy Noseies

Wow, look how much my nose has changed! The picture on the left is me now at 4 1/2 months and the one on the right is me at 6 weeks. Do you think I'm still as cute?

Monday, June 16

Weekend Fun

Yippy! We made it on our trip this time with no accidents! We went to a resort on a lake in East Texas. It is in the middle of a forest. We had a condo all to ourselves. I had so much fun! There was so much to sniff!! There was a great cozy couch where we vegged a lot and watched something called cable. There's this neat channel called Animal Planet that I liked very much! We don't get that at home! I got to explore outside and meet some new friends, even if they were kinda scart of me. (See my sister's blog) We went paddle boating on the lake! I wore my new life jacket to be safe. I saw all kinds of water birds. Gooses, ducks and herons where out there. It was very neat. Sunday we drove to Grandma bean, who is now going to be called Mimi bean, and Grandpa bean's house. The last time I was there I was a tiny puppy, 2lbs. It was right after mommy and daddy rescued me. This time I got to play in their back yard! WOW. Its awesome! It's so big and full of flowers, bushes and trees. They have a big pool so I tried swimming for the first time. It's kinda scary. Maybe when I'm older. Mimi bean gave me homemade ice cream, I love her! It was such a fun packed weekend I slept all the way home. As you noticed there are no picture in my post. Silly mommy forgot the flashy box! She did get a few pictures of my "new friends" on her ringing flashy box before it died. Those are on my sisters' blog.

Friday, June 13

Fashion Friday: Puppy Spa

I went to the puppy spa! My furs were starting to cover my eyes and my toenail where long. I'm a real wiggle worm and mommy has a hard time cutting them. Mommy decided lets try a cool summer cut, we are reaching 101 F this weekend. I lost most my wiry black furs. The wonderful ladies at Petsmart gave me cute little bows. They tried to paint my toenails, but I was so excited I wouldn't stop dancing long enough! hehe Maybe when I'm older. The Petsmart beans are starting to know me! I got greeted with many, "There our cute little Renna puppy!"
Here's the best picure mommy could get of my new hairdo and bows! haha Eating was the only way I would be still enough to pose!
We are trying for the condo on the lake again this weekend! I hope we make it!

Wednesday, June 11

I won!

Last night at all the PETSMARTs they had bikini contests! I was runner up!! Yippy! I got a gift card and coupons for free food for me and my sisters. :) Then I went to my first puppy school class. It was so fun! I got lots of treats! I met a big Australian Sheepdog who helped teach the class and a psycho chihuahua that growls at his own tail! The teacher said I was the STAR student of the class! Guess what mommy and I have homework! We have two things to practice before next weeks class.

  • Clicker means I get a treat. ( I like this one)
  • Look at her for up to 10 seconds. (then get a treat, I think I gonna like school!)

Tuesday, June 10

Some Puppies My Beans Met

Mommy and Daddy met some really neat puppies Saturday! This pretty guy is Jax.
That's daddy petting him, look at those eyes! He doesn't have a tail, but daddy said he wags a phantom one that makes his bum wiggle. hehehe
This is Lou, mommy said she is a sweetheart! She is much huger than me!

Look at those paws! Ginormous! I wish I could have got to the party to meet them! Their mom Ms. L, my aunti Lindy's boss, adopted them both around Mother's Day. She also adopted 3 kittens (Hippie Kitty, Gomel & Nixon) the week before! Mommy was too busy playing with them to take many pictures. There was also another doggy names Rody that was kinda shy and momma didn't get a good picture of him.

Monday, June 9

I went dayhunting

This weekend was pretty fun! My beans where home with me most of the time! YEA! We played a lot! They did go to party on Saturday night and come home with all kinds a awesome smells. I think they played with some other puppies. Mommy said she will show who she met tomorrow after she gets them out of her flashy box.
Yesterday daddy had to go to his dayhunting place to get things ready for today. Mommy said she had to leave the house for a bit too, so why doesn't daddy take me with him! He was all by himself so he said it was ok. Yippy, I spent much of my day with daddy. Then when I got home. mommy had me a new toy and a dress for Fashion Friday because daddy told her I had been such a good girl!

(Daddy's Ringing Flashybox)